

创建时间:  2023/08/28  朱沁   浏览次数:   

李思坤 研究员




中科院上海光机所研究员,博士生导师,长期从事计算光刻与检测技术研究。主持承担多项“极大规模集成电路制造装备与成套工艺”国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金项目/课题。在Optics Express、JM3等国际光学工程、光刻领域专业期刊以及SPIE Advanced Lithography国际年会上发表SCI/EI检索学术论文80余篇,获授权发明专利40余项,转让6项,合著出版学术专著《集成电路与光刻机》,《投影光刻机像质检测技术》(上下册)。研发的EUV光刻仿真软件已实现销售。多次作国内外学术会议特邀/邀请学术报告。



(1) DUV/EUV计算光刻/光刻仿真

(2) 光学检测技术、光刻机像质检测技术




2011年7月-至今 中科院上海光学精密机械研究所 历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员


在Optics Express、Optics Letters等期刊和光刻领域顶尖国际会议上发表SCI/EI论文80余篇,获得授权专利40余项,获转让6项,合著出版学术著作2部。


  1. L. Liao, S. Li*, Y. Che, W. Shi, X. Wang. Lithography Hotspot Detection Method Based on Transfer Learning Using Pre-Trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Applied sciences, 2022, 12(4): 2192.

  2. Y.g Xiao; Li S.; Situ G.; Zhong J., Optical random micro-phase-shift DropConnect in a diffractive deep neural network, Optics Letters 47(7) 1746-17492022,

  3. Chen G.; Li S.*; Wang X., Efficient optical proximity correction based on virtual edge and mask pixelation with two-phase sampling, Optics Express 29(11) 17440-17463, 2021

  4. Zhang Z.; Li S.*; Wang X.; et.al, Source mask optimization for extreme-ultraviolet lithography based on thick mask model and social learning particle swarm optimization algorithm,Optics Express 29(4) 5448-5465,2021

  5. Zhang Z.; Li S.*, Wang X., et.al, Fast heuristic-based source mask optimization for EUV lithography using dual edge evolution and partial sampling, Optics Express 29(14) 22778-22795,(2021)

  6. Y. Xiao, S. Li*, G.i Situ, et.al., Unitary learning for diffractive deep neural network, Optics and Lasers in Engineering,139, 106499(2021)

  7. Cheng, W.; Li S.*; Wang, X.; Zhang, Z., Extreme ultraviolet phase defect characterization based on complex amplitudes of the aerial images,Applied Optics, 60(17) 5208-5219(2021)

  8. Chen G.; Li S.*; Wang X., Source mask optimization using the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy, Optics Express, 28(22) 33371-33389 (2020)

  9. L. Liao, S. Li*, X. Wang, et.al., Critical pattern selection method for full-chip source and mask optimization, Optics Express 28(14), 20748-20763 (2020)

  10. Xiao Y., Wen Y., Li S.*, et.al, Large-scale structured light 3D shape measurement with reverse photography,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,130, 106086 (2020).

  11. Zhang, Z.; Li S.*; Wang, Xiangzhao; Cheng, W.,Fast mask model for extreme ultraviolet lithography with a slanted absorber sidewall, Applied Optics, 60(20) 5776-5782, (2021)

  12. Zhang, Z.; Li S.*; Wang, X.; Cheng, W., Fast rigorous mask model for extreme ultraviolet lithography, Applied Optics, 59(24) 7376-7389 (2020)

  13. Y. Mao; S. Li*; G.g Sun; L. Duan; W. Shi; Y. Bu; X. Wang, Predictor of thermal aberrations via particle filter for online compensation, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, Mems, and Moems, 2019.1.24, 18(1): 013502

  14. Zhu B.; Li S.*; Mao Y.; Wang X.; et. al., Fast thermal aberration model for lithographic projection lenses, Optics Express, 27(23) 34038-34049 (2019)

  15. Z. Meng; S. Li*; X. Wang; et.al, Jones pupil metrology of lithographic projection lens and its optimal configuration in the presence of error sources, Optics Express, 27(4): 4629~4647(2019)


