王楠 教授
从事微机电系统(MEMS)传感器、执行器、射频滤波器、新兴MEMS器件及其交叉领域的研究,以及基于8 英寸、12英寸CMOS兼容工艺线的相关MEMS芯片制造工艺开发。主持新加坡政府《研究、创新与企业计划2020》、新加坡国家自然科学基金(NRF-CRP)子课题等重大项目4项,并参与海外企业的多个研究项目。在相关领域发表SCI论文30余篇、会议60余篇,获得授权专利1项。2022年入选上:M飧卟愦稳瞬乓苹。
1. 微机电系统(MEMS)传感与执行器件
2. 射频微机电系统(RF-MEMS)器件,如射频谐振器、射频滤波器等
3. MEMS芯片制造工艺
4. 新兴MEMS器件及其交叉领域,如5G毫米波MEMS器件、6G太赫兹MEMS器件等
在相关领域发表SCI和EI论文近百篇,获授权专利1项。获得第十三届 IEEE-NEMS 2018 会议最佳海报入围奖、第五届国际纳电子会议最佳论文奖等奖项
1. Prakash Pitchappa, Abhishek Kumar, Ranjan Singh, and Nan Wang*(通讯作者), “Electromechanically Tunable Frequency-agile Metamaterial Bandpass Filters for Terahertz Waves”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2101544, 2021.
2. Chen Liu, Minghua Li, Bangtao Chen, Ying Zhang, Yao Zhu, and Nan Wang*(通讯作者), “Evaluation of the Impact of Abnormal Grains on the Performance of Sc0.15Al0.85N-based BAW Resonators and Filters”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 034002, 2022. (Invited)
3. Fengyuan Yang, Prakash Pitchappa, and Nan Wang*(通讯作者), “Terahertz Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) for 6G Communication Links”, Micromachines, Vol. 13, 285, 2022. (Invited)
4. Prakash Pitchappa, Abhishek Kumar, Ranjan Singh, Chengkuo Lee, and Nan Wang*(通讯作者), “Terahertz MEMS Metadevices”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 113001, 2021. (Invited)
5. Nan Wang, Yao Zhu, Gengli Chua, Bangtao Chen, Srinivas Merugu, Navab Singh, and Yuandong Gu, “Over 10% of keff2 Demonstrated by 2GHz Spurious Mode Free Sc0.12Al0.88N Laterally Coupled Alternating Thickness (LCAT) Mode Resonators”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 957-960, 2019.
6. Yao Zhu*, Nan Wang*, Gengli Chua, Chengliang Sun, Navab Singh, and Yuandong Gu, “ScAlN-Based LCAT Mode Resonators Above 2 GHz With High FOM and Reduced Fabrication Complexity”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2017. (*Yao Zhu and Nan Wang contributed equally to this work.)
7. Abhishek Kumar, Manoj Gupta, Prakash Pitchappa, Nan Wang, Pascal Szriftgiser, Guillaume Ducournau, and Ranjan Singh, “Phototunable chip-scale topological photonics: 160 Gbps waveguide and demultiplexer for THz 6G communication”, Nature Communications, 13:5404, 2022.
8. Jingcheng Tao, Nan Wang, Eldwin Jiaqiang Ng, Yao Zhu, and Chun-Huat Heng, “A 16-nW -57-dBm Sensitivity Wakeup Receiver Using MEMS-based Matching Network”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL), 10.1109/LMWC.2022.3157327.
9. Jingcheng Tao, Nan Wang, Eldwin Jiaqiang Ng, Yao Zhu, and Chun-Huat Heng, “A 5-pJ/bit OOK Transmitter Using MEMS-based RF Oscillator for IoT Application in 180-nm CMOS”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL), Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1158-1161, 2021.
10. Manukumara Manjappa, Prakash Pitchappa, Navab Singh, Nan Wang, Nikolay Zheludev, Chengkuo Lee, and Ranjan Singh, “Reconfigurable MEMS Fano metasurfaces with multiple-input-output states for logic operations at terahertz frequencies”, Nature Communications, 9:4056, pp. 1 – 10, 2018.
11. Ying Zhang, Xinghua Wang, Chen Liu, Eugene Woo Yi Zhun, Wenjia Yang, Qingxin Zhang, Huamao Lin, Danlei Yan, R. M. Kumarasamy, Bangtao Chen, Nan Wang, and Yao Zhu, “3D Monolithic Integration of ScAlN-based GHz MEMS Acoustic Filters on 200mm RFSOI Wafer”, IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2022), San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 3-7, 2022
12. Chen Liu, Xinghua Wang, Eugene Yi Zhun Woo, Yao Zhu, and Nan Wang, “Investigation of the BAW-Like Coupled Bulk Acoustic Resonators (CBAR) and Method to Further Improve the Coupling Coefficient”, 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Venice, Italy, Oct 10 - 13, 2022.
13. Chen Liu, Nan Wang, and Yao Zhu, “Material Parameter Extraction Method for Al1-xScxN Thin Films Using Multiple Linear Regression and Wafer-Level Uniformity Analysis”, 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Venice, Italy, Oct 10 - 13, 2022.
14. Chen Liu, Bangtao Chen, Minghua Li, Yao Zhu, and Nan Wang, “Evaluation of the Impact of Abnormally Orientated Grains on the Performance of ScAlN-based Laterally Coupled Alternating Thickness (LCAT) Mode Resonators and Lamb Wave Mode Resonators”, 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), online, Sep 6 - 11, 2020.
15. Nan Wang, Yao Zhu, and Bangtao Chen, “Experimental Investigation of the Temperature and Power Handling Performance of a 2.3GHz AlN Based LCAT Mode Resonator”, 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 6-9, 2019.
16. Nan Wang, Yao Zhu, and Bangtao Chen, “Over 12% of Coupling Coefficient Demonstrated by 3GHz Sc0.12Al0.88N Based Laterally Coupled Alternating Thickness (LCAT) Mode Resonators”, 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 6-9, 2019.
17. Yao Zhu, Chengliang Sun, and Nan Wang, “Design of AlN Meshed LCAT Mode Resonators for Coupling Coefficient Beyond BAW Resonator”, 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 6-9, 2019.
18. Nan Wang, Yao Zhu, Geng Li Chua, Bangtao Chen, Srinivas Merugu, Navab Singh and Alex Yuandong Gu, “Spurious mode free 3.5GHz AlN plate mode resonator with high FoM”, 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 22-25, 2018.