梁洁 副教授
从事超越摩尔的先进微纳电子材料、器件、片上先进互连应用的研究,基于SOI的射频器件的研究,可穿戴柔性器件及生物信号放大电路设计等研究。在相关领域发表SCI、EI顶会论文(包括IEDM、Symp. VLSI)20余篇,获得欧盟授权专利2项。主持国家自然科学基金1项。博士期间连续3年参与2项大型欧盟地平线计划H2020项目。2022年3月入选上海市海外高层次人才引进计划。
2022年3月-至今 爱游戏官方罗马赞助商 副教授
2021年3月-2022年3月 爱游戏官方罗马赞助商 讲师、特聘副教授,硕士生导师,担任2020级微电子科学与工程专业2班班导师
2019年8月-2020年12月 新加坡国立大学 博士后
J. Liang, S. Chen, H. Xu, et al. and G. Xiao " Strained Silicon-on-Insulator Platform for Cointegration of Logic and RF—Part II:Comb like Device Architecture", in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
S. Chen#,J. Liang#,(共同一作)et al. and G. Xiao, " Enabling UTBB Strained SOI Platform for Co-integration of Logic and RF: Implant-Induced Strain Relaxation and Comb-like Device Architecture," in Symp. on VLSI Tech.2020, USA, Jun. 14-19, 2020.
J. Liangand A. Todri-Sanial, "Importance of Interconnects: A Technology System-Level Design Perspective," in IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting(IEDM), San Francisco, December, 19377637,2019.
J. Liang, Rongmei Chen, et al., and A. Todri-Sanial*, "Investigation of Pt-Salt Doped Stand-Alone Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for On-Chip Interconnect Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2346-2352,2019.
J. Liang, Jaehyun Lee, et al., and A. Todri-Sanial*, "Atomistic to Circuit-Level Modeling of Doped SWCNT for On-Chip Interconnects," in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17, 1084-1088,2018.
J. Liang, et al., and A. Todri-Sanial*, "A Physics-Based Investigation of Pt-Salt Doped Carbon Nanotubes for Local Interconnects," in IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, December, 35.5.1-35.5.4,2017.
J. Liang, et al., "Atomistic to Circuit Level Modeling of Defective Doped SWCNTs with Contacts for On-Chip Interconnect Application,” in IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Singapore, October 2017, pp. 66-67.
S. Chen, H. Xu,J. Liang, et al. and G. Xiao*, " Strained Silicon-on-Insulator Platform for Cointegration of Logic and RF—Part I:Implant-Induced Strain Relaxation," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021,vol. 68, pp 1425-1431.
R. Chen , L. Chen,J. Liang, et al. , A. Asenov, and A. Todri-Sanial, "Carbon Nanotube SRAM in 5-nm Technology Node Design, Optimization, and Performance Evaluation—Part I: CNFET Transistor Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System, 2022, pp 1-8, Early Access.
R. Chen , L. Chen,J. Liang, et al. , A. Asenov, and A. Todri-Sanial, "Carbon Nanotube SRAM in 5-nm Technology Node Design, Optimization, and Performance Evaluation—Part II: CNT Interconnect Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System, 2022, pp 1-9, Early Access.